House, A. & DeRitt, R-L. (upcoming). A Review and Synthesis of Downsizing Research: The Dilemma Endures. In R-L. DeWitt & A. House (Eds.), Research Handbook on Corporate Downsizing. Edward Elgar.
DeWitt, R-L. & House, A. (Eds.) (upcoming). Research Handbook on Corporate Downsizing. Edward Elgar.
Steel, P. & House, A. (2024). Short-term pain for long term gain? A longitudinal meta-analysis of downsizing-financial performance relationships. Front. Behav. Econ. 3:1237750. doi: 10.3389/frbhe.2024.1237750.
House, A.,& Steel, P. (2022). Downsizing and Financial Performance: A Multi-level and Longitudinal Meta-Analysis. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2022, No. 1, p. 10166). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
House, A. (2022). Holding it together while falling apart: Norms of professionalism and employee feigning behaviors. Presentation at European Group for Organization Studies 2022 Annual Colloquium, Vienna, July 7-9, 2022
House, A. (2022). When is good pay bad? High relative pay, declining external conditions, and employment separation. Presentation at Administrative Sciences Association of Canada 2022 Annual Conference, Halifax, June 3-9, 2022
House, A. (2021) Three Perspectives on Good and Bad in the Study of Downsizing (Unpublished doctoral thesis). University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.
House, A. & Sherer, P.(2021) Asymmetric strategic responses: The relative strength of bad over good events in firm contraction/expansion. Presentation at Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting, Toronto (virtual), Sept 18-21.
House, A. (2020) Business-as-usual: The disenfranchised grief of organization-induced loss. Presentation at Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Meeting, virtual, June 12-15. (Winner: best student paper)
House, A. (2019) Downsizing during economic decline: Changes the game or more of the same? Work in progress presentation at Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Meeting, St.Catharines, ON.
House, A & Steel, P. (2018) Downsizing and Financial Performance: A Meta-Analysis. Presentation at Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON.
House, A. (2017) No safety in waiting? Impact of timing on magnitude of downsizing. Presented at Haskayne PhD student summer research project competition, September 2017, Calgary, AB. (Co-Winner: Best student paper)